The Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA) is a standards-based assessment that meets both state and federal requirements to measure students’ English language proficiency. AZELLA is used for both placement and reassessment purposes.
We have therapists that can work part-time or full time depending upon the school needs. Our therapists are trained for Social Emotional development for all ages and can provide private therapy through Individual Education Program services.
Dyslexia/Reading Training
Integrated Education Services has adopted the Lively Letters Reading program for use with all of our reading deficit students. Lively Letters program was developed by a group of Speech and Language professionals. It is considered an intervention program that is multisensorial. All aspects of the reading process are covered through music, hand, and body movements.
English Language Learners
Integrated Education Services provides Azella Testing and El Programming for several schools in Arizona. The Azella assessment administrator will do the research for the school, order materials, provide the assessment to the student(s), and at the end of testing will box up materials and send the materials back to Pearson.
How to Develop an Individual Education Plan
Our team will break down the components of the Individual Education Plan and give tips and pointers on how to develop the plan, including a significant portion to goal writing. This is an interactive training where special education teachers can critique themselves and their peers in the process.
Using mindfulness programs in schools has clearly declined disruptive student behavior. This workshop will teach some of the techniques of Mindfulness that can be coupled with Mindfulness coupled with activities to utilize with students.
Occupational Therapy
We provide a registered Occupational Therapist who evaluates the students and then develops goals for those who qualify. The Occupational Therapist also supervises the Occupational Therapist Assistance that provides the services to the students. Many of our client schools have allowed our company to arrange a sensory room for all students. Our sensory specialist assist students with executive functioning, handwriting, and social groups.
Special Education Coordination
Charter schools face increasing analysis over the level and quality of services they provide to students with special needs. Integrated Education Services provides specialists with expertise and resources in special education that are otherwise difficult to access.
Special Education Training
The special education training is an informative PowerPoint and discussion session regarding special education in general education settings. We start with Child Find and move through the process of evaluating and developing Individual Education Plans. We discuss the responsibilities the school and the general education teacher have regarding special education students.
Speech Evaluations Bi-Lingual Evaluations
The purpose of a speech-language evaluation is to determine your child’s strengths and challenges related to communication.
Suicide Prevention
Suicide is a major public health concern. Our trained staff will provide the warning signs, risk factors, treatments and therapies and will assist in developing an intervention plan for your school.
Vision and Hearing
Our state-trained screeners screen students for possible vision and hearing difficulties. Our screeners will organize and send all information to the state at the end of the school year.